
More than headlines. Relevant without an expiration date.

A newsletter handpicked from tweets of 20k entrepreneurs. Powered by a filtering and reading technology stack to review . Your benefit? Never a burden on your to-do list, but an upgrade, advancing your inner innovation with #inboxmaterial that is usable.

Click less random tweets and instead receive a newsletter of links everyone missed in twitter's haystack. #peervalidated content and with a bias for action.

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Just the ultimate career fulfillment hack

Batchnotes IS...

30 links offering productive breaks and imaginative outcomes.

Content that should have been massively retweeted.

Freedom from the burnout of trying to keep pace with tech news. Context.

Guarantee that you are informed. Mindfullness.

Improving your connection to others through content.

Man and machine curation engine improved over period of 7 years.

BONUS: Retweet Report - connect with the network and conversations

Batchnotes is NOT...

Narrow and random knowledge without connection to people.

Another algorithm to "personalize" news to you - these things 1) make you do all the work at the end of the day 2) can't possibly "read" the news.

Binge surfing news for boredom.

The retweets that you've read 10 times today.

Substituting the new for the important.

"Fluff" pieces. HIGH FOG INDEX stuff that leaves you with nothing but nice prose.

Negativity / Bad advice / Self-proclaimed experts / unproductive self help content

In summary, innovate the way you THINK and who you are in any decision.

Who is this guy?

There is no playbook, so I need to always be reading for a sense of both the large and small picture. Studying in college under guys like Dan Ariely (author of Preditablly Irrational) and Andrew Lo (author of A Non-Random Walk Down Wall St.) further encouraged me to untagle the unpredicatbility of consumer behavior and markets. I've been a venture investor for ten years, and part of my job to access as much as possible...

I try to quickly judge credibility, the REAL and the NEW..with optimism.

Why share this edge?

An easy way for me to stay in touch, and instead of inundating inboxes with multiple emails. I also like playing connector, and with Batchnotes, I am connecting you to 20k "mentors".

Give us some credentials!

You should check out this compendium on startup financing which was created from gathering news from the same system behind Batchnotes and past work in venture. batchventures

Staying connected does not have to mean chained to your desk.

Agenda for happier brain

Content to shop smarter, travel smarter, work smarter, network smarter, have fun smarter, mingle smarter,...feel smarter....

The Manifesto:
reading news without the pressure of making every moment count.

At your own pace, read it for short term + long term gain. Batchnotes helps you make better decisions, decide where to spend your time. It's broader sourced inspiration, informing you to help process everything clearly in your life. Not just finding breakthrough thoughts and opportunities, but practicing the game away from the game kind of stuff - gaining new perspectives.

Your brain on n(ews)oise!
"News" CAN be a sane place, but it is a dirty word.
Busy people make time to read the news, but few of us have control on the process. Instead, news reading ends up as "active laziness" / structured procrastination - a crammed time sink that's missing proportionate reward.
Be Informed!
Don't get burnt out on tech news, optimize it. Multi-tasking news sources over the course of the day does not equal productivity. Going where the tides takes us for news is procrastination.

The true cost of yes is far greater than most of us realize. When we say yes to the small things, we’re also saying yes to switching costs. We’re saying yes to scope creep. We’re saying yes to shipping late.

The Habit of No
Make yourself even more interesting!
What is a social News Shortener?

Does following the news seem like homework? Amazing things are happening and social media is bringing them to us.

The way to learn most is reading something with such enjoyment that you don’t notice that the time passes. Wisdom takes time.To see the connections between things requires studying the blank spaces between them, stop being a creature of the now- that is a prison.

Sign up for Batchnotes, and learn the new law of news.

Stop keeping score of the quantified self like some kind of game state, and start finding that level of efficiency you were seeking without the pressure.

It’s like we’re surrounded by scheming thieves: thieves of our time, thieves of our attention, thieves of our productivity. And how do pickpockets steal your stuff? Distraction.

Dan Ariely

My wasteful and unproductive time was the only time I asked: What should I be doing? What is a worthwhile life? And so it followed that was the only time when I could start to answer those questions. What is good work? Is any of this worth it? What makes life worth living? What good can I do in this world? Cult of busyavoid the thoughtful, strategic work that required more of me. There’s a word for this. “Busywork.”

The "News" has changed. Will you find it?

The content engine is more powerful than any other tech personality curating your news...

Batchnotes has built a back-office that has cracked the code on a productivity chain between awareness and "timeconomics". Truly people-powered. A sure fire way for you to game the system, quickly inhaling the news, the right way.

Upgrade my brain!

There’s no Discover tab on Facebook. What would it even do? Twitter’s feels like a weird waste of real estate, a player to be named later… …which is exactly what makes it interesting. It’s a forgotten zone, a blank area on a map, an option overlooked by literally hundreds of millions of people a day. Surely there’s some potential to do something innovative there.


Twitter's Catch 22: it has great value because it takes weeks to build your feed - but that's also why growth is so low. The value is in the network you’ve put work into creating, not one you automatically acquire.

Andreesen Horowitz

Social Proof!

News is to the mind what sugar is to the body. News is easy to digest. The media feeds us small bites of trivial matter, tidbits that don't really concern our lives and don't require thinking. That's why we experience almost no saturation. We can swallow limitless quantities of news flashes, which are bright-coloured candies for the mind. We are beginning to recognize how toxic news can be.

The Guardian

It's hard enough already not to become the prisoner of your own expertise, but it will only get harder, because change is accelerating.

Paul Graham

Creativity is just connecting things.

Chris Dixon

Opportunities do not float like clouds in the sky, they are attached to people

Reid Hoffman

You’re living a life, not a lifehack.

Sara Wachter-Boettcher

All you need is one follower of the 10,000 to really change the course of your business or personal life. Social media is the number one asset you have at your disposal right now, and you should use it. Now. And use it well.

Gary Vaynerchuk

The ability to learn faster than your competitors may be the only sustainable competitive advantage.

Arie De Geus

I do not read a lot of things anymore. A lot of us don’t, we sort of go where the tide takes us. I feel weird about that. I opened up my Digg reader the other day, and everything was so duplicative of each other. I was like, yeah, okay, there’s that piece of news filtering through all these different websites, all the same things… no wonder I don’t go to them. I need to make a new folder in my Digg reader, I guess, that’s “Things That Are Surprising and Interesting and Maybe Weird.

Choire Sicha co-founder of The Awl

Time--The World Is Working Against You...Not having a plan, goals or a system in today’s world is dangerous because the default isn’t neutral.

Dan Ariely Author Irrationaly Predictable

Reporting what is most popular

But if you want peer curation

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Heather Finn, Sister

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